French Fries are not from France

French fries were originally created in Belgium, not France. They are called French fries because of how they are prepared.

French fries, a beloved and ubiquitous snack around the world, have a fascinating history that dates back centuries. Contrary to their name, French fries did not originate in France. The story goes that in the late 17th century, in the French-speaking region of what is now known as Belgium, villagers were accustomed to frying small fish. However, during the harsh winters, the rivers would freeze, depriving the villagers of their usual fish supply. As a substitute, they turned to frying potatoes, which were abundantly available. The technique of frying the potatoes quickly caught on, and soon enough, French fries became a staple in the region. Over time, the popularity of this crispy delight spread throughout Europe and eventually reached the United States. Renowned for its versatility and deliciousness, French fries continue to captivate palates around the globe, reminding us of their humble beginnings in the kitchens of Belgium.


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