The Health Benefits of using Canola Oil

Canola oil has health properties that are recommended by leading health authorities such as the Australian National Heart Foundation. They recommend that Australians need to reduce the number of foods they have that are high in saturated fats and trans fats. *

Canola oil has a low level of saturated fats such as Trans fatty acids of only 1% so is basically free of those harmful fats but has moderately high levels of omega 3 and 6 fats. This makes Canola oil a great choice for people wanting to improve their health.

Food companies and Restaurants are using Canola oil rather than the traditional oils such as palm oil and tallow as it is more superior nutritionally as it is lower in saturated fats but higher in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are considered ‘good’ fats and have benefits for cardiovascular health which has been seen from clinical studies. ***

Canola oil is free of cholesterol as it is not found in oils and fats from plants as stated by the Food Standards of Australia **

CFM Australia (Cordless Filter Machine Australia)deliver Premium Canola Oil to hotels, cafés and restaurants.

Our 2 Premium Oil blends are:

CFM Canola - a stronger, longer-lasting frying oil, cold-pressed & chemical-free (exclusive to CFM only).

CFM Sun Power - a premium oil consisting of cottonseed oil and chemical-free cold-pressed canola oil (exclusive to CFM only).

We also have the patented Swap and Go system that allows for effortless swapping of used oil. It comes with a transparent container for easy oil replacement. No mess, no spills!


The Hear Foundation

Food Standards Australia

WHO Expert Committee (2003) Risk factors in cardiovascular disease. World Health Organisation, Geneva


Oil Management


French Fries are not from France